The Care and Feeding of Your Dragon
(or the Autobiography of Craig Fletcher)

Craig Fletcher

Care and Feeding--Volume 1 

Care and Feeding--Volume 2 

     Rejoice!  If these links are active, it either means I've finally died and you can now read my autobiography or, just maybe, I'm still kicking but in such an obscure place that you will never find me.  In any case, here is the book.  It's in two volumes because I thought I might make hard copies, and at around 1000 pages I realized one volume wouldn't do.  But that's OK.  It should just make it easier to handle.  One way or the other, I hope you enjoy the ride.  It certainly was a kick for me.  


Eastern Philosophy for Western Minds: 
A Search for the Jewel in the Lotus

Craig Fletcher

Eastern Philosophy for Western Minds; A Search for the Jewel in the Lotus 

     In the off-chance you never read the E.Phil book, you may (after reading the autobio) want to take a look. Here it is for your convenience.